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Extra value for League affiliates

As a benefit of League membership,  Indiana Credit Union League affiliates can access AffirmX's popular My Risk InboX information portal ($500 annual value); Risk InboX, a weekly email news feed delivered directly to registered users. There are also several other fee-based tools available to Indiana credit unions. As a bonus, each Indiana League affiliate can receive My ToolboX items ($1,800 annual value).

AffirmX products and services are available to affiliates because, since 2019, the Indiana Credit Union League has been an owner of CU Risk Intelligence, LLC (CURI) a consortium of credit union leagues representing 45 states and credit union service organizations including CU Solutions Group, Cornerstone Resources, Go West Credit Union Association, Indiana Credit Union League, League of Southeastern Credit Unions, Credit Union League of Connecticut, Maryland & DC Credit Union Association and League InfoSight. Today, credit unions of all sizes and levels of sophistication have access to products and services to help them serve members, grow and remain strong.

Dues Supported: My Risk Inbox

 An extensive suite of compliance tools designed to benefit all sizes of credit unions. Designed for use by CEOs, executive team members and compliance officers

My Risk Inbox includes four compliance tools:

  • Risk Watch Central: Videos that provide a broad overview of a regulation in plain English and in just a few minutes. The videos address areas of rising risk and solutions for reducing risk. Videos are typically three-to-five minutes in length and are categorized and searchable.
  • Risk Inbox Plus: This is a fully indexed, searchable database of curated content from the editors of Risk Inbox. Risk Inbox Plus includes a full archive of thousands of curated items indexed via categories, tag clouds and advanced search filters.
  • My ToolboX: An ever-growing collection of helpful compliance tools that includes self-assessments training calendars, record retention and more. Each tool in My Toolbox includes video instruction to gain the most out of it.

Contact a League consultant at for more information. Individual contact information is below: